Antonio Argir

Antonio Argir is one of the members of the Management Board in NLB, responsible for Group Steering, Payments and Innovations. He has been with NLB since 1999, where he began his career as a credit officer for corporate clients, long-term and investment loans. Antonio Argir is also vice president of the Chamber of Commerce of North Macedonia. Antonio holds a bachelor’s degree in Science, Finance and Banking from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje and a Executive Master of Business Administration degree from IEDC – Bled School of Management.



Antonio Argir is one of the members of the Management Board in NLB, responsible for Group Steering, Payments and Innovations. He has been with NLB since 1999, where he began his career as a credit officer for corporate clients, long-term and investment loans. Antonio Argir is also vice president of the Chamber of Commerce of North Macedonia. Antonio holds a bachelor’s degree in Science, Finance and Banking from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje and a Executive Master of Business Administration degree from IEDC – Bled School of Management.