Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to the provision of services organized by Zavod SLOSKI with headquarters at Podutiški cesta 146 in Ljubljana with more detailed legal information available at https://www.bizi.si/Zavod-SLOSKI/. These Terms and Conditions define the general conditions, individual rights and obligations and the method of purchase.


The use of the website ‘https://2023.255tothemoon.com’ is governed by these Terms and Conditions, which the visitor/user must read carefully, because the use of the website ‘https://2023.255tothemoon.com’ is considered as unconditional acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. If the visitor/user does not agree with the terms of use of this document, they must not use the services and content of the website ‘https://2023.255tothemoon.com’. These Terms of Use and Conditions are a legally binding contract between you and Zavod SLOSKI. By registering/using and purchasing, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to enter into this Agreement. If you do not agree with the Agreement, either in part or in full, do not access, register and place orders or use Zavod SLOSKI services in any other way.


This Agreement is considered concluded at the moment of confirmation of the order by Zavod SLOSKI.




Zavod SLOSKI, with headquarters at Podutiška cesta 146 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, VAT SI 13800396, contact e-mail: info@2023.255tothemoon.com, is a company that, as part of its registered activity, organizes conferences and other events.


Zavod SLOSKI sells tickets for the mentioned events via the website www.2023.255tothemoon.com, which in terms of the law constitutes distance trading.




Tickets can be purchased via the website www.2023.255tothemoon.com by registered and unregistered users of the said website, as follows:


Step 1: click on the “buy ticket” option, which automatically redirects the customer to the site/portal of the sales partner, through which the ticket is purchased, whereby the user accepts General conditions and Privacy Policy of the portal/site of the sales partner;


Step 2: on the site/portal of the sales partner, enter the required data: first name*, last name*, e-mail address*, company*, position in the company*, prefix/title, CC/alternative e-mail address, gender , contact mobile phone, with a note that data marked with * are mandatory and will be forwarded to Zavod SLOSKI as such.


Step 3: paying for the ticket.


After receiving the order, ZavodSLOSKI or its sales partner will confirm the order by sending an order confirmation notification to the e-mail address of the user/ticket buyer. After paying for the ticket, the ticket is sent to the user/customer from the e-mail address ticket@2023.255tothemoon.com.


The user/buyer of the ticket has the possibility to modify certain data submitted during the purchase of the ticket (data submitted in step number 2. from the first paragraph) no later than 3 (three) days before the day of the event. The card user/buyer can modify the data related to his e-mail address, company, position in the company, prefix/title, CC/alternative e-mail address, gender and contact mobile phone, while data about their first and last name in which case it cannot modify.


In case of any ambiguities or problems related to the ticket order, Zavod SLOSKI will contact the user/buyer of the ticket without delay.


Official sales partner for the event is:

Smart Octopus Solutions d.o.o.
Stegne 23a, 1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia, Europe




Payment of the ticket through the website www.2023.255tothemoon.com can be made with payment cards.


An invoice with purchase confirmation is sent to the user/ticket buyer by e-mail.


All prices shown on the website www.2023.255tothemoon.com are expressed in EUR in gross amount, with all associated taxes. All orders are subject to the applicable prices at the time of payment confirmation.


Zavod SLOSKI reserves the right to change the price from time to time. The purchase of tickets with special price benefits and/or with special sales incentives is done in accordance with the conditions published on the website.


The user/purchaser of the ticket will be responsible for the payment of all taxes associated with his purchase, except those taxes based on the net income of Zavod SLOSKI, including but not limited to value added tax (VAT).


Zavod SLOSKI is in no way responsible for the provision of visas for the user/buyer of the ticket to enter the country where the event is held, i.e. by purchasing the ticket, the user/buyer unconditionally undertakes to obtain all necessary permits and visas for entry to the country in his own organization and in a timely manner in relation to the time of the event holds the event, and bears the costs of the aforementioned in full, without the right to a partial and/or full refund of such costs by Zavod SLOSKI.


During their stay in the country where the event is being held, the user/buyer of the ticket is obliged to fully respect the generally accepted norms of behaviour, all valid regulations of the said country and the rules that apply in the hall where the event is being held. By purchasing the ticket, the user/buyer accepts the stated obligations and agrees with the fact that they will be solely personally materially and/or misdemeanour and/or criminally responsible in case of any violation thereof.




The user/buyer of the ticket can withdraw from the Agreement within 14 (fourteen) days, counting from the day of payment of the ticket, by submitting a written notice of withdrawal to e-mail: refund@2023.255tothemoon.com.


In case of withdrawal from the Agreement in the manner and within the period defined in the previous paragraph, the user/buyer of the ticket will be refunded within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of his notification of withdrawal.


In the event that the user/buyer of the ticket fails to submit their written notice of withdrawal from the Agreement in the manner described above within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of payment of the ticket, their request for withdrawal will be considered untimely, i.e. they will lose the right to withdraw from Contracts and refunds.


In case of non-fulfillment of obligations by Zavod SLOSKI or cancellation of the event for any reason, Zavod SLOSKI will inform the user/buyer of the ticket as soon as possible about the new circumstances and refund the money.


Zavod SLOSKI will not be responsible for any form of damage that the user/ticket buyer suffers due to event cancellation.