Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW wp_wsm_dateWiseFirstVisitors AS SELECT DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(firstVisitTime,'+00:00','+02:00'),'%Y-%m-%d') as recordDate, COUNT(visitorId) as visitors FROM wp_wsm_uniqueVisitors GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(firstVisitTime,'+00:00','+02:00'),'%Y-%m-%d')

Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW wp_wsm_dateWisePageViews AS SELECT DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00'),'%Y-%m-%d') as recordDate, SUM(totalViews) as pageViews FROM wp_wsm_pageViews GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00'),'%Y-%m-%d')

Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW wp_wsm_dateWiseBounce AS SELECT DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00'),'%Y-%m-%d') as recordDate, COUNT(*) as bounce FROM wp_wsm_bounceVisits GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00'),'%Y-%m-%d')

Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW wp_wsm_dateWiseBounceRate AS SELECT dwb.recordDate, dwb.bounce, dwp.pageViews, dwv.visitors, ((dwb.bounce/dwp.pageViews)*100) AS bRatePageViews, ((dwb.bounce/dwv.visitors)*100) AS bRateVisitors FROM wp_wsm_dateWiseBounce dwb LEFT JOIN wp_wsm_dateWisePageViews dwp ON dwb.recordDate=dwp.recordDate LEFT JOIN wp_wsm_dateWiseVisitors dwv ON dwb.recordDate=dwv.recordDate

Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW wp_wsm_hourWisePageViews AS SELECT HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00')) as hour, SUM(totalViews) as pageViews FROM wp_wsm_pageViews WHERE CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00') >= '2024-09-08 00:00:00' GROUP BY HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00'))

Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW wp_wsm_hourWiseBounce AS SELECT HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00')) as hour, COUNT(*) as bounce FROM wp_wsm_bounceVisits WHERE CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00') >= '2024-09-08 00:00:00' GROUP BY HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00'))

Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW wp_wsm_hourWiseBounceRate AS SELECT hwb.hour, hwb.bounce, hwp.pageViews, hwv.visitors, ((hwb.bounce/hwp.pageViews)*100) AS bRatePageViews, ((hwb.bounce/hwv.visitors)*100) AS bRateVisitors FROM wp_wsm_hourWiseBounce hwb LEFT JOIN wp_wsm_hourWisePageViews hwp ON hwb.hour=hwp.hour LEFT JOIN wp_wsm_hourWiseVisitors hwv ON hwb.hour=hwv.hour

Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW wp_wsm_hourWiseFirstVisitors AS SELECT HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(firstVisitTime,'+00:00','+02:00')) as hour, COUNT(*) as visitors FROM wp_wsm_uniqueVisitors WHERE CONVERT_TZ(firstVisitTime,'+00:00','+02:00') >= '2024-09-08 00:00:00' GROUP BY HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(firstVisitTime,'+00:00','+02:00'))

Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
SELECT HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00')) as hour, SUM(totalViews) as pageViews FROM wp_wsm_pageViews WHERE CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00') >= '2024-09-07 00:00:00' AND CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00') <= '2024-09-07 23:59:59' GROUP BY HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(visitLastActionTime,'+00:00','+02:00'))

Napaka podatkovne zbirke WordPress: [Access denied for user 'u835764505_T3Q5T'@'' (using password: YES)]
SELECT HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(firstVisitTime,'+00:00','+02:00')) as hour, COUNT(*) as visitors FROM wp_wsm_uniqueVisitors WHERE CONVERT_TZ(firstVisitTime,'+00:00','+02:00') >= '2024-09-07 00:00:00' AND CONVERT_TZ(firstVisitTime,'+00:00','+02:00') <= '2024-09-07 23:59:59' GROUP BY HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(firstVisitTime,'+00:00','+02:00'))

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Agenda more Tablet & Mobile – Digital1 – SLO 30March - Mastercard 255 to the Moon conference


  • Christian Rau, višji podpredsednik za področje kriptovalut in fintecha, Mastercard


RAZPRAVA: Regulacije: zasledovanje tehnoloških inovacij
  • Andras Fischer, OTP
  • Konstantinos Adamos, Revolut
  • Iegor Avetisov, Binance
Moderator: Igor E. Bergant, Mastercard


RAZPRAVA: Banke in Fintech – iskanje bistva prihodnosti plačil
  • Antonio Argir, NLB
  • Alex Zinder, Ledger
  • Avishkar (Ash) Sharma,
Moderatorka: Dorothea Ysenburg, Mastercard


OSREDNJI NAGOVOR: Izzivi in priložnosti masovne uporabe kriptovalut
  • Terence Kwok, CEO,




OSREDNJE PREDAVANJE: The path for mass crypto adoption
  • Luis Pinedo, Bitfinex Pay


RAZPRAVA: Web3 investicijske priložnosti
  • Jack O'Connor, Algorand Fundation
  • Vedran Vukman, Revuto
  • Matjaz Hirsman,
  • Gregor Novak, Suncontract
Moderatorka: dr. Jane Thomason, World Metaverse Council


OSREDNJI NAGOVOR: (Ponovna) izgradnja zaupanja v NFT
  • Sebastjan Pirih, CMO & Business relations, Netis


RAZPRAVA: Web3 in šport – kako s pomočjo Web3 poslovnega modela privabiti navijače:
  • Fred Antunes, RealFevr
  • Benjamin Stoll, FIS
  • Luis Vicente, APEX Capital
Moderator: Vlaho Hrdalo, UBIK


RAZPRAVA: Prihodnost športa – Je Web3 nujen za razvoj športne industrije?
  • Dino Rađa, legendarni košarkar
  • Mate Naletilić, Dinamo Zagreb
  • Klemen Gradišar, Ballies and Metacourt
Moderatorka: Tanja Bivic Plankar, Blockchain Alliance Europe